How do I borrow, renew, and return materials?
Your student ID is your library card. Use it to borrow books, Course Reserves, DVDs, tablets, etc. There are some items that don't require check out with your student ID, like the study rooms on the 1st floor of the Downey Learning Resource Center in Merced or desktop computers at either campus.
Best of all, neither library charges late fines!
Item | Check-Out Period / Information |
Books | 3 weeks |
DVDs | 1 week |
Course Reseves |
Desktop Computers |
Headphones & Calculators |
iPad Minis (Merced) |
Microsoft SurfacePros (Los Baños) |
Study Rooms |
Periodicals (print magazines, journals, newspapers) & Archives |
How Do I Renew Materials?
- Renew books and DVDs at the Check Out Desk or once through OneSearch, the library catalog
- Additional renewals must be done at the Check Out Desk
- Renew Microsoft SurfacePros and iPad Minis at the Check Out Desk
How Do I Return Materials?
- Inside book drops are located in the Check Out Desk counter in both libraries
- The outside book drop at the Merced Campus is in the wall to the right of the double entry doors
- The outside book drop at the Los Banos Campus is in the wall next to the exterior bookstore window