How do I put in an interlibrary loan request?
What is Interlibrary Loan?
If neither of the libraries have the book or article that you need, the library may be able to get it from another library system. Interlibrary Loan helps the libraries locate and get copies of materials that aren’t part of the College’s library collection. This service excludes textbooks and is dependent on lending from other libraries.
How Do I Make Interlibrary Loan Requests?
Make requests for books or articles using the appropriate form below. You will need the citation information and your student ID number to fill out either form. If your request can’t be filled, you will be notified by campus email. You will also be notified by campus email when the book or article arrives.
Request an Interlibrary Loan
To place a request for an item outside the Merced College library collection, students or faculty, please fill out the either form to the best of your ability:
- Book Request Form – use only for books (excluding textbooks)
- Periodical Request Form – use only for periodicals: magazines, journals, newspapers, newsletters, or anything that is not a book
Response Time
Librarians will email your student or faculty/staff email with a response whether or not your item is available for lending. You can expect to hear back within 5 working days. Books will take longer to receive as they are sent via United States Postal Service. Merced College library will not incur shipping fees: if the item requires shipping fees typically the request is cancelled. Please talk to the Research Help Desk for more details or respond to the librarian email.