What resources are best for researching about caffeine?
Finding Health Resources Related to Caffeine
The library subscribes to databases and journals that provide accurate, factual, and relevant health information. It is important to use the proper spelling when using library databases: start with a quick internet search, copy and pasted the spelling into the database search box. You must select a databases before searching. Not sure where to start? Try OneSearch, the library's online library catalog. It searches everything!
If you have some background information, start in the A-Z Database list. Librarians recommend using:
- Access Science: chemistry and biology encyclopedias and articles
- Consumer Health Complete: health pamphlets, magazines, journals, video and more (Tip: Start Here! It's a Best Bet!)
- Gale Ebooks: health encyclopedias and definitions
- Salem Press: health encyclopedias
- Opposing Viewpoints: pro/con articles on topic
Once you have narrowed to related issues you want to connect/relate to your topic, librarians recommend Scholarly and Peer Reviewed Journal articles:
- EBSCOHost Web (peer-reviewed articles, magazines, journals, news, and more)
- Academic One File (peer-reviewed articles, magazines, journals, news, and more)
Suggested Keywords for Issues Related to Caffeine
Generated using ChatGPT prompt: "brainstorm different keywords for caffeine"
- Stimulant
- Methylxanthine
- Adenosine blocker
- CNS stimulant
- Caffeine metabolism
- Half-life of caffeine
- Coffee
- Tea
- Espresso
- Latte
- Matcha
- Green tea
- Black tea
- Energy drinks
- Soda
- Focus
- Mental clarity
- Productivity
- Cognitive enhancer
- Performance booster
- Fatigue fighter
- Mood enhancer
Optimizing Library Databases
See our Research Guides that break down database searching, step by step: